Hello lovelies!
I hope you’re all having a fantastic week! Today, I decided to write about something very near and dear to my heart: my best friends. I am fortunate enough that I have a really solid amount of people I would consider good friends; however, as much as I love my other friends- nobody holds a candle to my girls.
There are really only six young women I would consider my “best friends,” (to cBs, eGm, bBd, lUj, mBr, and mLm,- hey kids I know you’re reading this. love you.) Very recently, I had some boy issues (#drama.) To make a very long story short, I woke up at 4 A.M. (randomly,) and instinctively checked my phone. Boy drama ensued. I texted my friends, fully expecting them to be asleep and just reply when they woke up, or not even reply and just wait to see me at school. Within five minutes I had responses. FIVE MINUTES. I sat up in my bed, adrenaline coursing through my veins, and the only thought enveloping my 4:05 A.M. brain was “I am ridiculously blessed.”
My best friends- the crazy people who I spend my free days, Summer/Thanksgiving/Winter/Spring breaks, (I’m looking at you, cBs :),) lunch hours, and weekends with (usually involving late night shenanigans,) care about me enough to sacrifice their own sleep to comfort and take care of ME. Granted, I would do the exact same thing for them, but still. Having my friends there really put things in perspective. Yes, this boy had just absolutely messed with my head (and to be clear- only a boy, not a man, would do that,) but my best friends were right there to hold my hand.
Sure, most best friends are 100%, irrefutably, indubitably there for each other-hence the point of being best friends, but my friends go above and beyond. They’re there for me, but they also seem to somehow always know exactly what I need, when I need it (including manicures and slushies so uh yeah you guys are rock stars.) I feel as if they are the sisters I was never blessed with (or wanted, now that I think of it. I was way too spoiled to share.) They know me inside and out, and I honestly do not have a clue where I would be without them. These girls bring out the best in me, which I could not be more thankful for. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these are the people who will be in my life until the end of time. These girls (along with a few I’m sure to pick up along the way,) will be my bridesmaids, the Godmothers of my future children, and, most importantly, my sisters- forever.
How can I be so sure at the age of 17? Because I know myself. I know that my personality (and theirs,) are strong enough that we all are aware that we mesh well together, and none of us are dumb enough to ever give that up. No matter the physical distances that will separate us, I know my best friends are never more than a phone call away.
Obviously I love my family, but the bonds girls build with their friends are just different. There’s a very select few people in this world who bring out the best in you; hold on to the ones who do. By the same token, you cannot be afraid to cut people loose if they are toxic. If a person is negative constantly or makes serious, potentially life-altering decisions you don’t agree with- rid your life of them. The last thing you need is to be put in a compromising position by someone you refer to as your “friend.” Do not hesitate to move on- everyone outgrows certain friendships in their lives. Plus, the faster you move on from the wrong people, the more time you have with the right ones (absolutely cliche, but also very true.)
I am so blessed to have gone to an all girls school and bonded with the amazing young ladies I call my best friends. An all-girls atmosphere is a breeding ground for lifelong friendships, not ones that simply disintegrate as soon as high school is over. It’s hard to find the words (something I’m almost never at a loss for,) to describe how I feel about my best friends; my love for them is just too great to capture in text- but my hope is that this post makes you think about the wonderful people in your life. Do not take them for granted, and do not ever hesitate to tell them how much they mean to you. Do any of you have close friends you’ve known for years? How did you maintain the friendships through distance and time? I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
Forever on the fifty,
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